Sunday, June 28, 2009

Did I Fail?

When I was a little girl, I never thought, "Oh I hope to be moving back home when I'm 29." When we are young, we have plenty of amazing dreams for ourselves. I always thought I'd be a famous singer, yet I can't even land a lead part in a small town community theater show. I thought I'd change the world by my writing, yet I lack the motivation to truly tell a wonderful story.

Have I failed? I ask myself this probably every day. My favorite motivational celebrity, Jillian Michaels, says there are no mistakes, only learning experiences. If we don't learn, we keep having to repeat the same pattern over and over again until we do. I try to concentrate on the positive experiences in my life, in hopes to create more and to learn from the negative. Sometimes this is difficult, especially when it involves other people's feelings. You have to do what is best for yourself, even when it means hurting another.

The truth is, we truly can't predict the future, because it's always changing basing itself on what we create today. There are many possibilities for what is ahead of us, and we have to just keep looking forward. I've decided to write about what I've learned from today, instead of focusing on the pain of failure. I haven't truly failed. I'm just hitting the "reset" button. That can be a really good thing.

I've learned that the more you pick at something, the more it falls apart. Sometimes the best thing to do is walk away, give it some space, and it all comes together in the end.

I've learned that things generally do not turn out exactly as we expect them to. The best thing is just to stay present in every moment, it makes everything more enjoyable.

I've learned that the people that hurt us most are the ones we learn the biggest lessons of self worth from. It generates a charge inside of us to never be treated like that again.

I've learned that what you think about is what you create in your reality. Focus on what you want and take any action towards it. Each moment will bring you closer to your desires.

I've learned that no matter how much you love someone, how much you miss them-if they don't make an effort to include you in their life anymore-it's best to let them go. They were probably taking up a lot more space in your life that you realized anyway. Use that space for people that do want you to be around. You will feel loved and supported rather than anxious and rejected.

I've learned that it's not really what happens to you, it's how you are able to react to it.

I think out of everything that I've learned, if you have one true friend, you're always going to be ok.

I'm blessed in so many ways in my life with so many that believe in me. I choose to concentrate on the wonderful ways I make a difference to others and the inspiration I receive from the world. I make the choice everyday how I want the day to go. I have a lot of pain, a lot of sorrow and a lot of set backs. But I choose to use what I have to create the best life I can. I don't always know how, but I usually find my way. I am grateful for the support that always shows up for me. I am thankful for those that choose to want me to be in their lives. The fun and laughter we have takes the edge off everything else.