Monday, June 25, 2007

Yellow Butterfly Underwear=Inspiration

Ch Ch Ch Changes.....

My Trifecta girls are back in town and not a moment too soon. It had been a trying weekend, and I was ready for some chatty chat time and therapy session. My roommate is a counselor, so it's wonderful to get her perspective on things. It's even better cuz she runs around in her underwear: this time it was yellow butterflies.

I had sent an email earlier today to a beautiful friend who helped me to see what the core of some of my issues were, which was AMAZINGLY helpful! It helped to see things through her eyes and to get a new insight. Now that I knew where some of these "helper" systematic beliefs were coming from, I needed a game plan.

I've been feeling blue because I have all these goals and thing I want to do but no real game plan. It seems like I have a knack for figuring things out for everyone but myself, which is incredibly frustrating. I think deep down I feel like I didn't deserve the time and patience it took to find these things out for myself. It was equally disturbing to hear Akeeya tell me that somewhere along the way I picked up the belief that I am not lovable, which I knew to be true deep down, I just didn't want to admit it. This was about the time my skin starting breaking out as well. Physical manifestation of the emotional aspects. Boggling.

So yellow underwear helped me to make a game plan. First we thought of an intention. Since I want to get over this "helper" mentality we settled on this: "Give me the inspiration, power, insight, knowledge, determination and motivation to make the decisions in my life that are good for me right now and will benefit me in the future."

We also decided to make a "worry" box where we write them down and then at the end of the week we will burn it outside. This exercise really worked well for me at a seminar where we did that with self limiting beliefs.

Tonight was wonderful. The truth is, sometimes we need help in figuring out the root of our issues, and it's so great to get another's perspective on what you may not see. So tomorrow I start with my new plan. It will be very tiny baby steps, but at least I know I'm moving forward. It's so wonderful to have amazing, supportive and beautiful friends.


Anonymous said...

I would like to see that roomate in her underwear. and jess just so you know i have blue ones with a yellow pattern thing going on but there boxers. either way i can always help!!


S|A|R|A|H said...

Its so amazing to have beautiful and inspriring friends who write blogs.
