Thursday, September 18, 2008

Here I am, too!

Today was interesting. An interesting day of eye contact. After dropping off Sarah, I turned my car around and headed to work. Upon yeilding to get onto the beltline, another car turned ahead of me. I made eye contact with the driver, it was really strange, almost pulling. He waved. Like, "Hi, here I am too on this journey of life. I'll probably never see you again, but I get it."


Today was a stressful day of work. The first day where I was like wow, this kind of blows. But it's because we are so busy and need to hire more staff. I drove through McDonalds to get a quick fix of disgusting food to make me feel better. Eye contact again with both the people I spoke with in the drive through. It was an acknowledgement of "Hi, here I am too" again.

I wonder if I'm becoming more aware of my surroundings, or if I'm being moved by random strangers for a reason.

1 comment:

S|A|R|A|H said...

its totally both.
I notice this as well, everyday...I gotta say - I really dig it!
