Sunday, March 22, 2009

Suit Up

You ever wonder why some people really seem to have their shit together...I mean, really together. They exercise, eat well, have a clean and organized home, have loving relationships and have a job that makes a difference in other people's lives and they enjoy working. They seem to have a glowing energy, one that encourages others, creates possibilities and inspires love and acceptance.

I think the answer is self love. To truly care for yourself so much that you don't accept anything but the best possible situation. Your friendships and people who surround you are a reflection of who you want to be. They support your true self and love and accept you as you are. It's a beautiful thing.

It's so hard to break our old patterns. We are so conditioned to respond in a certain way. It takes a conscious mind and a commitment to staying present to see how to change, and how to make a difference.

I'm no longer satisfied with half assed. I've been keeping a food journal as of late because Dr. Dawn is going to help me with my nutritional needs. I eat absolute garbage. But, until I wrote it all down, I really didn't have the awareness of it. I think it's a good idea to just stop and write it all down. We may not be where we want to be at all...all it takes is a little awareness. Now that I have awareness, I will make different choices....however....I have a bad's will make it's conditioned. It's in breaking THAT deeper pattern that true success will prevail.

Sometimes when we make choices to lead us in a certain direction, everything that isn't working can and will fall away...either by your choice or by the Universe's choice. It's a time to re-group and re-focus on who you are and who you want to be. It's a time to set goals and create new possibilites for yourself. But, mostly, it's a time for action and non-action. What does that mean? Well, if you get it, you're already ahead of the game.

So, what in your life isn't working for you? Is it your home? Do you have a safe, clean and organized environment that makes your soul sing? Is it your relationships? Do you have a friend who drains you? Are you dating someone you're really "just not that into? Do you feel supported and free to express your true voice? Is it your body? Do you exercise? Eat foods that your body needs to function properly? Get enough consistent good sleep? These things are so VITAL, but we often don't give it much thought because we don't care about ourselves enough. If we don't care about our own well being, neither will anyone else.

Take a look at the people who surround you...they are a direct reflection of you. Suit up. It's your life.

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