Friday, May 29, 2009

Dead people like me

So. Ok.

I just did some inner listening, or "meditating" or whatever and I kept hearing the name, Matt Gordon. Ok fine. Seriously they ever leave me alone? Not really...but this time...for a reason.

I googled the name and this is what I found. He had a chance with his one true love again...and then died from surgery. But he got to say what he needed to. And I know, what I crave more than anything in this life is real, true love. Not the stupid love that you do to pass your time, or the superficial love of most. Real love for myself, for others and in a relationship. I order to have that, I must be it. There's the breakthrough....and there's the challenge. Shit. This means being nice to old people too. I have to believe this is actually possible for me. I can do this.

Here's Matt's blog...I find it pretty interesting.

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