Monday, November 5, 2007


I feel a lot of suffering comes from an individual’s perception of an event. A shift in perception or perhaps seeing it from another’s eyes can sometimes help to alleviate pain.

For many years, I chose to believe the one opinion that was detrimental to my own well-being and what is not the truth. If many told me I was talented, I’d believe the one person that told me I was not. If many told me I was beautiful, I’d believe the one person who told me I wasn’t attractive enough for him. If many told me I was helpful, I’d believe the one person who said I was disruptive.

Logically and statistically speaking, this is ridiculous. If 9/10 doctors approve it, generally the public accepts it. If 9/10 people say something great about me, why do I believe the one who doesn’t to be the correct answer. What matters is how I feel about myself, and shifting my perception of events, people, and relationships has helped tremendously.

Sometimes, all it takes is a shift. Turn around and look the other direction. It might be so in your face, so clear to see you can’t believe you didn’t see it before. That’s what happened to me.

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