Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Real Good

Right now, life is really good. It’s like sitting in a salt bath with your hair up listening to Miles Davis while sipping champagne good. And I love it.

It feels like a blank canvas, and every color in the Universe is whispering, “pick me.” I finally feel like my outside world is reflecting how I feel inside. It’s quite nice to have that balance.

I’m allowing myself to receive, it’s new for me, but I’ve had amazing support. Yesterday my mom bought me some fresh baked sweets and fresh fruit from the local market. It was such an awesome surprise and I was so excited! She’s never done anything like that before. I almost wonder, if I didn’t allow myself to truly be loved in the past. I’m open to it now-receiving-because it balances the giving. I feel so light, like the weight of the world is now off of my shoulders.

I feel like nothing and everything matters. It’s beautiful. I love the feeling of renewal-seeing everything for the first time and seeing it more clearly this time. It’s like the morning you wake up and the dull ache in your heart from someone breaking it is just gone. You don’t know what you “did” to make that happen, it just happened. And it feels amazing.

Feeling this way gives me more motivation to do more and be more. I really could get used to this. In fact, I intend to do so.

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