Tuesday, February 26, 2008


When great love is rejected, something inside of you dies. You hope to meet someone that you will at least love second best, or maybe, just maybe the Universe has something planned for you that could have never worked with that person still in your life.

Either way, when someone makes you feel less than you are worth, it's time to move on. Everyone has such great worth, it's a shame when it's not valued.

It's the most messed up karmic balance and it hurts until you think there are no tears left. It will keep hurting until they are no longer worth your tears. And there is no band aid that'll help with that.

It's a shame when you keep chasing something that is unavailable to you all along. It makes you wonder if you are available to yourself. The risk is so much less that way, to chase the unavailable. When someone really wants and loves you, it's the most terrifying thing in the world. There's nothing to hide behind, but then again, you shouldn't want to hide.

I will get up, I will keep going, but something inside of me has died. Or maybe something inside of me has finally been set free. Either way, I know I'll still miss him every step of the way. That's not something that will ever go away.

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