Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We're all connected

I had a dream a few weeks ago that a friend of mine was pregnant with a baby girl named Kelsey Jo. This person used to be a very close friend of mine. In fact, she and her brother used to hang out with my brother and I and we called ourselves the "Fab Four." The summer of 1998 there wasn't one day we didn't hang out, except for when their family went on vacation to Michigan for a week.

I remember those times really fondly. Before I became close with Bekah and Ben, it was my senior year of high school and I decided I wanted to go to college in Green Bay to just get away from home. Then I met these great friends and I didn't want to leave. Green Bay was miserable, but that's a whole other story.

Anyway, I was telling my roommate that I had this dream about Bekah. I haven't talked to Bekah for over a year. It makes me sad sometimes to think of how close we used to be, and I know I have this fear of losing people, but I know people will follow their journeys and you have to let go. Bekah called me out the blue the other day. Turns out, she's pregnant. It should be interesting to see if this is a little girl and what they name the baby. I just love that no matter where we are in life, out of time, we're still connected.

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