Monday, August 6, 2007

Her Tower

All her life, she held a little too tightly to the illusions she thought she needed,
unknowingly shadowed by all that surrounded her.

Hidden inside a false reflection of biased apprehension, she bound herself inside a tower, only to look out when the stars reflected over the pond.

As the storms crashed, she began to enjoy the lightening concluded with a huge raucous of thunder. Destiny brought it to her every time she asked for a sign.

She turned away as she began to fear the storms. Back into herself, but illuminating love. This is all she knew.

They began to appear to teach her to look inside as she chased the iridescent dragonfly's wings of change. And she heard unfamiliar thoughts. She turned around and realized the illusion of false imprisonment and recognized her own light. Who will see me shining? She wondered.

She pushed open the gate without strain and let go. She then knew that love was greater than fear and smiled her smile.

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