Friday, August 31, 2007


I find my soul's mission right now is to learn to re-establish balance in my life again. Balance between being a socialite and a hermit, balance between self and friendship, balance all around.

It's been difficult for me to just "be." I get bored easily, but I've heard being bored is because you are a boring person. Great.

I've come to find by taking care of myself better, I've been able to be there for other's needs more and enjoy my time with my friends much more. It's been nice getting sleep (Thanks melatonin) and catching up on reading and meditating and discovering or awakening the parts of myself I have shut down. There are many parts I had forgotten about and I want those parts back.

I have no idea what my life is preparing me for right now. I just feel more centered and aware of what needs attention, what needs work, now the trick is finding out how to do this. I feel right now is about beautiful friendships that help me grow spiritually and in my self awareness and empathy. It's also about taking the time to figure out what I want in a romantic partner and what I deserve and what I clearly don't. I like this. It's nice to just "be," to be free and know that letting go and being open to change is all I need to do.

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