Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Let Go

Lose yourself
Escape from the black cloud that surrounds you
Then you will see your own light,
as radiant as the full moon.

I must be capable of looking at you,
not through barriers, screens of my prejudices and conditioning.
I must be in communion with you,
which means I must love you.
~J. Krishnamurti

Another part of letting go is to slow down and make friends with whatever feelings and emotions arise-neither making a story out of them, forcing their expression, nor pushing them away. You just stay with them and let them unwind. In many ways letting go is to let go of holding back, of running away; it's about staying connected, opening up, being real, and dropping all the masks. When you can let someone see your tears, your hurt, your sadness, the beauty, you naturally enter the flow of loving, giving, receiving. The heart opens, the body resonant.
~Charlotte Kasl

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