Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Master Cleanse-Day 1

I'm doing the master cleanse right now, in order as a final attempt to heal my skin issues before resorting to laser treatments. And well, I'm getting fat, so it can't hurt that issue either. Oh, and I also want to get back to eating vegetarian…so I guess there are a lot of reasons, all piled up right now, and now is the right time for me to be doing this.

Day One
Getting up at 6 am to drink salt water really sucks. The salt water wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it was still pretty bad. I kept thinking to myself that I was drinking the ocean and it was healing my body. That didn't really help, but the mental images were fun. It was nice to be up early and watch an awesome sunrise and have everything just be still. I want to get myself into the habit of meditating and doing yoga in the mornings before work. I'm hoping the discipline of doing this cleanse will help with that.

You're supposed to have 'eliminations' about an hour after the salt water….lucky me, it occurred over two hours later and I thought I would lose it on my drive to work….pooping….everyone does it…it just hasn't been this much before, which is probably great to get that all out there.

Most of the day has been pretty easy so far. Co-workers look at me strange for juicing lemons at my desk, but hey, there's not much else I can do to make this work here while I'm doing my job. I found myself being surprisingly pleasant to customers today, until about now. Now, I just want to go home, get ready for doing a massage tonight and get the hell out of here. My shoulders and neck are super tense and they hurt, my muscles are full of crunchies. Sad ouchy face. I'm hoping this cleanse will help my body reset itself for optimal performance. I feel like I need to sweat a lot, I will probably add some cardio to get this stuff moving faster. If only I was having a lot of sex, that'd probably be a lot more enjoyable and burn more calories. Oh well, there's a time and place under the sun for everything.

1 comment:

S|A|R|A|H said...

A whole new reason sex is important!
yup one of these days