Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Master Cleanse-Overall Results

I decided to break my fast last night. My body was feeling like it was done and wanted to have food again. I trust my insticts, so I broke the fast after over a week. I felt like I accomplished a lot. My skin on my body is so smooth, it’s wonderful. I feel amazing and I lost 11 pounds, which is super. I’ve been doing a ton of research lately about eating whole foods for healing and I am going to be starting a liver rejuvenation diet. Based on my research and my bodily symptoms, I feel (and I’ve intuitively know this) that my liver just isn’t up to par. I’m so excited to be more health conscious and eating for nutrition and not emotional satisfaction. I no longer crave Mt. Dew and coffee. Now, if only I could get my sleeping habits to change.

In other life notes, my friend E-dogg won $44,000 on the Wheel of Fortune. That guy, he’s so great. I’ve known him for quite a while and almost since then, he’s been auditioning to get on the show. It was great and inspiring to see a dream come true. Ah, how refreshing.

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