Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jess's Magical Bookshelf

I’m addicted to bookstores. It’s probably a really unhealthy addiction because I buy a lot of books and never read them. They look really good, but then I just don’t find the time to sit down with them. However, I have made a magical discovery.

I have all these awesome books, and I know exactly when I need to pick it up and read it. The synchronicity is profoundly amazing. (hahahaha…why is that still so funny?)

The magical bookshelf works for others too. My roommate has found the perfect inspirations that she needed at that exact moment. I like having magical furniture in my condo.

Last night I was browsing through my choices and this book was shouting “READ ME!! READ MEEEE!” It’s called Spirit Centered Relationships by Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks. It’s blowing my mind, because it’s all about being present in the moment with your feelings and how people do so many things to keep themselves busy so that they don’t have to feel anything. I have done this for so long, and I’m finally at the point where I can really be present with what I am feeling and not be judge or try to fix it. It’s so amazing what you can find inside of yourself if you are willing and ready to look.

The book is about being centered in yourself and how to create that in a relationship. Good stuff. That’s exactly what I will find.

1 comment:

S|A|R|A|H said...

yeah, so just so you know...that will NEVER stop being funny!

I love the magical bookshelf, it just happens to be blowing my mind as well!