Monday, March 24, 2008

In the Flow

As the ever mounting pressure that I create for myself shattered, I realized that I am finally in the flow. I feel free, I feel alive and I feel peace.

Sometimes I create these extreme situations for myself, such as committing all my free time to a musical when I have work and school. I physically and emotionally wore myself out. It wasn't worth it at all. I realized what my limits were and I know now what I can and cannot do.

Lately, life has really just been flowing and events have been very serendipitous. I don't feel like I'm fighting against myself not to feel, or fighting against what the Universe wants for me.

As I was studying for my Anatomy final this Friday, I had a moment of awe. I felt connected and at peace, thinking to myself that this is what I'm meant to do. I love learning and humanism and the Consciousness and everything about the body and soul. I have a natural gift and brain for this work and putting pieces of the puzzle together. It just works. One belief could never cover it all. I'm not struggling, I'm not emotionally distraught, it just is. It's so awesome.

I'm buzzing with peace and love and enjoyment for life. It is so great to be in this space. I know that with good comes bad, but I've realized I'm very capable of just feeling and allowing, and those spaces of distraught evaporate very quickly when you are centered and allowing and surrendering. It's good stuff.

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