Wednesday, September 24, 2008, my daily whining

Today I got to thinking how nothing great in life comes without great risk. It's true. And I'm living it.

The Universe forced me out of my shitty job, which was great and now I love what I do, which is great. The money: not so great. I'm making half of what I used to make. That really sucks.

It won't always be this way. In about 6 months, I'll be managing two offices and be in a nice space for doing massage with my physical therapist and dragonfly will be well under way. There are so many start up costs to starting your own business. It really sucks. I'm in the red now, but I know it won't always be that way.

Time to give up. That's what most people do. But not me.

I'm living my dream, slowly, but surely. It's so great to be able to help people and enjoy what I do. Yeah, every other day I feel like the world is ending, but I know life isn't all about being able to go on a shopping spree at Target. It's teaching me a lot. I'm excited to see what I can create for myself with all these aweomse opportunities. I got a new client today at the PT and that made my day. It's baby steps, but it was such a huge risk.

I'm hoping the risk will be worth it. I'm struggling. I have pretty much no time for myself and working 12 hour days as I get Dragonfly up and running. There is so much to do!!! You wouldn't think it, but there is. When I'm not at Pro Health or Back in Motion, I'm running around doing things for Dragonfly.

I took a leap of faith with this one and I'm trusting myself and my employers. Yikes. I'm really really trusting here.

It's hard not to get discouraged sometimes. It's hard to see that I still have so many things I need to buy for my space that are necessities but no means to get them yet. How can I manifest tons of clients when I don't have the supplies? Basic laws of the Universe say that it won't come to you until you are ready. Ok. So I'm trying to get ready as best as I can.

They say nothing great in life comes without risks. I took the leap of faith. Here goes....

I feel so Loriliae Gilmore. Even though she's fictional, I so feel like the episode when she runs out of money, ironically enough, to open the Dragonfly Inn. Then Luke lends her the money and it all works out. I, unfortunately, do not have a Luke. All I have is me.

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