Monday, May 19, 2008

Freeing the Power to Heal

Written by a previous student at Tibia: it might help provoke a better understanding of CAPW and Tibia and what I do and write about. I believe in freeing the power to heal, and I do it for myself and in turn, provides the space to others.

Freeing the Power to Heal By Jennifer Kalafut

Freeing the Power to Heal By Jennifer Kalafut

(How) can one person heal the world? Healing, says Michaela Torcaso, owner of Transformational Intuitive Bodywork in Action (TIBIA Massage School)and Creating A Peaceful World, can be defined as the process of reconnecting with one's wholeness. As such, healing concerns more than one's physical body; rather, it concerns one's whole being, including the emotional, spiritual, energetic, and mental realms. Michaela also emphasizes that healing is generated from within; while it might be supported by others, such as doctors, bodyworkers, psychologists, etc., it ultimately occurs when one takes responsibility for how he or she shows up in the world. Healing can look many ways.

Some Sundays ago, I was receiving an in-class massage at TIBIA. Immediately, I settled into a meditative calm, but as the massage continued, feelings of anxiety surfaced. Then, tears streamed to my hairline as, in my mind's eye, I witnessed and re-experienced a childhood trauma of which I haven't thought in years. Lying there, I thought the thoughts, felt the emotions, and cried the tears of the seven-year-old girl I once was. She was in a door-closed, lights-off room, listening to what sounded like a woman being hurt in an adjacent room. She felt anxious and voiceless, as though she wanted to run or scream for help. Yet, acting on either of these urges seemed unsafe to her. So, she sat on the floor and imagined horrid sights to match the horrid sounds that permeated through the wall. Paralyzed by the fear of being seen or heard, it seemed a matter of survival for my younger self to stay quiet and still. I arose from that massage a lighter person. With the support of the student practitioner and class facilitator, I was able to explore the situation simultaneously as child and adult. The grown-up part of me found help for that seemingly helpless seven year old, and I was able to make peace with all involved, including myself.

How did a massage induce such a powerful effect? Michaela explains, "When there's someone that's standing there with us…holding the space for us to remember our wholeness, we then have full access to heal." "Holding space," to put it simply, is a function of presence. When a bodyworker—or anyone, really—intentionally sets his or her ego aside and opens to the full experience of this moment, a safe space for others to open themselves to the fullness of their own experience is generated. Healing can then occur because experiencing a past trauma again, in a safe space, releases its hold on the present moment. The more one heals the past, the fewer limitations and restrictions that exist in present.

The more I heal myself and overcome my self-imposed limitations, the more presently I can attend to each moment as it occurs; and, the more I can show up wholly in the present, the more that space of wholeness extends out and invites others to heal. Overcoming my fear of being seen or heard, for example, allows me to write this article, which I hope serves as an invitation for you, dear reader, to explore your limitations and heal to your wholeness.

Michaela's vision is to create a peaceful world; she believes that as more people live fulfilled, easeful lives, even more people will be exposed to the possibility that their lives, too, can be fulfilled and rid of dis-ease. For her, ultimately, freeing the power to heal oneself gives access to freeing the power to heal the world. bodyworker—or anyone, really—intentionally sets his or her ego aside and opens to the full experience of this moment, a safe space for others to open themselves to the fullness of their own experience is generated. Healing can then occur because experiencing a past trauma again, in a safe space, releases its hold on the present moment. The more one heals the past, the fewer limitations and restrictions that exist in present.

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