Sunday, July 15, 2007

"Dese are MY Apprles"

Well, we kinda sorta not really made it through the cleanse. Yesterday when we tried the straight olive oil portion of the cleanse, it resulted in yacking, soooo Lance and I said enough of this, we're getting food. haha! Jessie was a trooper and downed the olive oil and lemon juice.

Overall, the results were great! My body certainly released a lot of toxins. For the first time in months my sinuses are clear, my skin is better and I feel a lot better on the whole. I highly advised in a raw juice fast, it has great benefits.

I got the emotional cleanse I needed too. Prompted by an unexpected twist of fate yesterday that led to a complete crying breakdown, which apparently my body needed. It was ridiculous, I couldn't stop crying, even when my roommate was dancing around in her underwear I was laughing and crying at the same time. It was an on again off again all day thing. My eyes look like Rocky today, but I feel a whole lot better to get all that emotional residue out of my body.

So here I am, ready to start a new. I feel great and I feel confident life is going to offer wonderful and new opportunites. I can't control what has happened, all I can do is move forward and shine on.

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