Friday, July 13, 2007

I have apple breath

We made it to day three of the cleanse. So far, so good. It's been two days of nothing but raw apple juice and water. Surprisingly I felt a lot better than I have in a really long time. My body feels lighter, I have more clarity and toxins are seeping out and poisoning my blood. Awesome.

I felt super until tonight. It was a bit rough but we did some trampoline jumping to get the lymph nodes moving. That felt amazing. Tomorrow we start the cassia's to pooping!!

I've been doing some research today about emotional cleansing and I think it will work great in tandem with the physical cleanse we are doing. I'm planning on adding the emotional cleanse tomorrow. Here's to releasing all physical and mental toxic build up in my body.

I'll let you all know how it goes. By Sunday I will be ready for a HUGE greek salad. MMMM!!! I can already feel my body resetting itself for a much healthier diet. It's great to have Lance and Jessie for support as we allow this cleanse to manifest new positive changes and inspirations.

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