Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Ego v The Self

I've recently begun a new meditation practice called "Pure Love Magnified Healing." It promises amazing things, but of course I am skeptical of anything that isn't "proven" to me or does not completely resonate with me intuitively.

During the meditation session, there is a time frame for "absentee healing" where, if you have permission from another person's higher self, you may send them healing energy. I attempted to do this with myself and another person I care about deeply. While I was sending healing, loving energy to the situation, I heard a voice say clearly, "He will NEVER love you. You will never find anyone who will love you and stay with you." I immediately knew this was a lower vibrational energy, because the words were abrupt, harsh and rushed. I felt upset and I asked, "Is this the ego?" I let the answer come to me and it was an immediate "yes."

I was certainly confused because my basic understanding of the ego had always been a generalized feeling of "I'm so great, or I can heal the world" or whatever may be of an "egotistical" type energy. I had no idea that the ego was also many other things: fear, self doubt, low sense of self esteem, confusion, etc. I talked about this with my mentor and I was validated in my feelings. The ego presents itself in many forms, but it is always to grab your attention away from ascension and progress in a positive direction. Why would the ego want you to give into what is good for you? It made sense to me..

This opened up a new can of worms for me, making me feel like I needed to analyze and figure out every little thing about this, but really, I don't need to. My soul, my higher self, knows what I need and what I desire. I don' t need to keep falling back into the same pattern of my ego of doubt and fear. Love is greater than fear. The love for one's Self is always greater than fear or "the ego." It's just that you have to trust it, and then the ego comes in, making you trust anything but yourself. It can keep continuing in a big, ugly and frustrating circle. Becoming aware of your ego and what it does in my opinion, is one of the biggest steps in one's spiritual path.

I am human. Of course my ego will continue to get in the way, but it is great to be aware of why this happens and to become more educated in what I can do to learn from it. The journey to one's true Self is different for everyone, each path unique, but each path right for each person that is brave enough and willing to take it.

Today, spending time with beautiful souls by the lake with butterflies literally landing on us during our conversations was magical. It's amazing how when we really need it or want it, we find people along the way that make our paths a bit more recognizable and easier. Those souls who bring out best in us, and we bring out the best in them is what love is. It is through this love, that we find out and remember who we truly are.

"Get up and free yourself from yourself.

Locked up inside you,
like the calm beneath castles,
is a cavern of treasures that
no one has been to.
Let's go digging.
Bring it out to take you back in."

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