Monday, July 16, 2007

Mother Frackin Frack!

About every six weeks to two months, I get this insatiable urge to chain smoke and just have these deep conversations about life. Of course for me, chain smoking means three cigs and I'm out, but there is just something about sitting on a balcony free to discuss your mind and feelings. Yeah, its one of my many weird twisty personality things.

Today's topic: How people are such a product of their surroundings. People are a product of only what they know. Hey!! Derka Derka surprise there, any idiot could come up with that conclusion. But taking it a step farther...what makes a person say, "Enough. There has got to be more out there."

Some people can sit their whole lives being perfectly content with settling for what is put in front of them. I am not one of those people. Take religion for example: it's a product of our surroundings. What made one person say one day, "Well, I think this will be this, and that will be that and everyone will believe it and we'll call it a day." Most major religions have one or more certain deity and a set of "rules." While most of these rules are codes of ethics and morals, at the same time it can almost be looked at as a way of manipulation. If everyone were to follow these "rules" it would be a perfect society. And how shall we scare the kids? Damnation to hell. It doesn't add up. But depending what your family believes, where in the world you grow up, you usually have this set of beliefs you just follow, because it is all you know.

Religion is an easy example. But if you really think about it, there is so much information out there that is either kept from the general public or we just do not have access to. Quantum Physics...such and amazing subject, so many incredible mind boggling concepts, but most people cannot wrap their minds around it because they are so conditioned to believe in what society tells them. It is a shame.

I feel like half the people my age don't even vote because no matter what they think the government is corrupt and they don't care who leads the way. I mean if both sides are so incredibly vindictive, pointing the finger at the other...than what is the point? I can see that mindset, and well that sucks too. It is a incredible what people are conditioned to believe. Almost to the point of the general population thinking it is impossible to make a true difference.

So what makes people say "Enough" and want to step outside the box and discover what is out there. Is it some major turn of events, an internal drive, or just plain curiosity? It's probably different for every individual. I know for me, my life's "fuck ups" have led me down some amazing paths to the most incredible journeys for my higher good. Logic is only what we know. Imagine how much information is out there that hasn't been "proven" or is too outside the box to understand. But imagine if society was more open to it. Nothing is impossible in my opinion. Well, maybe marrying Nick Lachey is, but you know what I mean.

Well, that's my rant for the day. Thanks for listening folks.

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